Hi, I'm Noah


  • Summer 2022

    AllRush Print and Apparel - Calgary, AB

    • Worked as a Software Developer to build a custom web application for employees to create and manage internal documents
    • Utilized Python and Django frameworks, with Postgres databases; deployed on DigitalOcean
    • Served as a consultant to help identify areas for improvement in the new software; decreased errors in creating documents by 30%

  • September 2021 - April 2022

    Engineers Without Borders - Western Chapter

    • Member of the political advocacy team; worked on a project to increase voter turnout through a web application
    • Contributed to the development of a React web app to help voters decide which parties align with their values, deployed on Netlify
    • Served as the Member Director to organize educational events and workshops for groups of 20+ students

  • Summer 2019

    European Innovation Academy - Cascais, Portugal

    • One of three high school students selected to attend an international business and enterpreneurship program
    • Worked with a group of international students to found a startup, chosen as the CFO
    • Attended workshops hosted by industry leaders to learn skills such as Financial Modelling, Design, Customer Acquisition

  • 2017 - 2022

    The Hamptons Golf Club - Calgary, AB

    • Member of the competitive team; multiple top 3 finishes across the province
    • Volunteered as an Assistant Coach for the Junior Development Program; running drills and practice sessions for groups of 10+ participants


  • September 2022 - April 2025

    HBA, Ivey Business School at Western University

    Currently pursuing an HBA degree with expected graduation in 2025.

  • September 2020 - April 2025

    BESc Software Engineering, Western University

    Fourth year Software Engineering student. Coursework: DSA, JavaScript, Software Design

    Dean's Honour List (2020, 2021). Nortel Engineering Distinction Scholarship. Western Scholarship of Excellence. 3.8/4.0 GPA.

  • September 2017 - June 2020

    The Renert School, Calgary

    Graduated in 2020 with a 97% average. AP Courses: Chemistry, Calculus AB

    University Courses: ENTI 359 (U of C), Accounting 253 (Athabasca U), CS50 (Harvard edX)

    Sports and Clubs: Basketball, Golf, iGEM


  • Sports

  • Sports have been at the center of my life for as long as I can remember. I picked up hockey and golf from a young age, playing both competitively through highschool. I continue to play hockey recreationally and compete in golf during the summer months.

  • Travel

  • I've been to 17 countries, 178 to go! I love seeing new places and experiencing new things. I've done a summer program in Portugal, backpacked Eastern Europe and Colombia, and visited Tanzania. All of these were amazing experiences and I am looking forward to the next adventure!

  • Coding

  • Since I picked up coding 6 years ago, I have become passionate about using it to solve real-world problems. I have experience in JS, Python, and Java along with React and Django frameworks.

  • Finance

  • Following the stock market has become on of my many hobbies and has piqued my interest in quantitative finance in tandem with my software background.


Developed a web application for a small business to manage and create internal documents. Used Django and Python and deployed the project on DigitalOcean.

View Project

Created my personal website to showcase my experiences and accomplishments. Developed using React, Tailwind, NextJS and deployed on Vercel.

View Project

Developed a React web application to create a quiz to help students determine which political party their opinions correlate with.

View Project

Developed a 2D RPG game using Unity with C#. This was a group project and my first real exposure to game development and C#.

View Project

Noah Jina - 2023